0-6 Months
Infant nutrition
Government of Canada
Provides infant nutrition information from 0 to 24 months, safe feeding tips, and menus for older infants and young children.
6-12 Months
0-5 Years
Choking and your preschooler: how to prevent it
Dietitians of Canada
This video can help you learn how to reduce your preschooler's choking risk and what to do if your child has problems.
Feeding Toddlers and Young Children
Alberta Health Services
This handout explains a positive feeding relationship and gives ideas that might help with common eating behaviours in toddlers and young children.
Healthy Eating for Young Children Nutrition Tip Sheets
Alberta Health Services
These tips can help parents and caregivers to create an environment that provides and promotes healthy food choices and healthy attitudes about food.
Pediatric Eating And Swallowing
Alberta Health Services
This website provides relevant information for families and care providers of children with an eating, feeding and swallowing disorder.
Video Series on Preschool Nutrition
Dietitians of Canada
These videos include topics on: milk products, vegetables & fruit, proteins, and grains and your preschooler.
Canada's Food Guide
Health Canada
Canada's Food Guide provides information on healthy eating and building healthy eating habits.
Common food allergens
Government of Canada
Series of pamphlets with information for consumers about common food allergens, developed by Health Canada and the Canadian Food Inspection Agency.
Cooking with Kids of Different Ages
Eat Right Ontario
This website provides tips to get children and toddlers cooking and recipes to try.
Dietitians of Canada
Be inspired to cook any time, day or night with Cookspiration, created by Dietitians of Canada. Recipe ideas are served up to suit your mood and schedule.
Healthy Eating Resources
Alberta Health Services
These resources provide individuals, parents, and families with guidance on healthy eating.
Inspiring Healthy Eating Recipes
Alberta Health Services
This website provides healthy recipe ideas. They are organized by category: breakfast, salads, soups, entrees, snacks, dips, low sodium, drinks, baked goods, and desserts.
Our Time Together Cookbook
Foothills Children's Wellness Network
Strong brains are built by supportive relationships. Our Time Together Cookbook will help you and the children you care about build strong brains together. Happy Cooking, Happy Brain Building!
Steps to a Healthier You
Alberta Health Services
These resources provide individuals, parents, and families with guidance on healthy eating.
Access to Food in Chestermere/Langdon
Alberta Health Services
Access to Food provides information on where to access free or low cost food in your community.
Access to Food in Strathmore and Area
Alberta Health Services
Access to Food provides information on where to access free or low cost food in your community.